Lagrangian Versus Eulerian Approach

Lagrangian Versus Eulerian Approach
Lagrangian Approach
Method of description that follows the particle is referred to as the Lagrangian method of description. In Lagrangian approach we analyze a fluid flow by assuming the fluid to be composed of a very large number of particles whose motion must be described.
How to do it?
Identify (or label) a material of the fluid; track (or follow) it as it moves, and monitor change in its properties. The properties may be velocity, temperature, density, mass, or concentration, etc in the flow field.
Eulerian Approach
In control volume analyses, it is convenient to use the field, or Eulerian, method of description, which focuses attention on the properties of a flow at a given point in space as a function of time. In the Eulerian method of description, the properties of a flow field are described as functions of space coordinates and time.
How to do it?
Identify (or label) a certain fixed location in the flow field and follow change in its property, as different materials pass through that location. In such case, the following property, say temperature is recorded by the sensor.
For better understanding watch these videos


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