Types Of Fluid Flow

 1) Steady & Unsteady Flows. 
2) Uniform & Non-uniform Flows. 
3) Laminar & Turbulent Flows. 
4) Compressible & In compressible Flows. 
5) Rotational & Ir-rotational Flows. 
6) One , Two & Three Dimensional Flows.

Steady & Unsteady Flows:- 
Steady Flows:- In which the fluid Characteristics Like velocity, pressure, density , etc. At a Point do not change with time.
Unsteady Flow:- In which the fluid velocity , pressure or density at a point changes with respect to time.
Uniform & Non-uniform Flow :- 
Uniform Flow:- In which the velocity at given time does not change with respect to space ( length of direction of the flow ).
Non-Uniform Flow:- In which the velocity at any time changes with respect to space. Changing in space
Laminar & Turbulent flows:- 
Laminar Flow:- in which the fluid particles move along well defined paths or stream line. Fig. Laminar Flow
Turbulent Flow:- fluid moves in very irregular paths or zig – zag Way. velocity at a point fluctuates.
Compressible & In-compressible Flows:- 
Compressible Flows:- In which the density of the fluid changes from point to point. The density is not constant for the fluid. 
In-compressible Flows:- In which the density of fluid changes from point to point. the density is constant for the fluid.
Rotational & Ir-rotational Flows:- 
Rotational Flow :-In which the fluid particles while flowing along stream lines, Also rotate about their own axis. 
Ir-rotational Flow:- In which the fluid particles while flowing along stream lines, do not rotate about their own axis.
One , Two & Three Dimensional Flows:-
One Dimensional Flow:-  In which the flow parameter such as velocity is a function of time and one space co-ordinate only.
Two Dimensional Flow:- In which the velocity is a function of time and two rectangular space co-ordinates.
Three Dimensional Flow:- In which the velocity is the function of time and Three mutually perpendicular directions.


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